Sunday, 24 August 2014

Download YouTube Videos without any add on softwares.

Its always been kinda hard to download YouTube videos form browser.. generally it requires IDM and all that complicated stuff..
but now we don't need to do it anymore.

Here is the tip.

First go to YouTube find you video which you want to download

Second open the video.

Third go to the address bar where the URL is written and then just type save after the www.
for example we will take this link.

Now just type it like this.

A page will open automatically it might show you some security warnings allow them go to the page and just follow some instructions on that site. and you are done..
you can download videos in multiple formats and you can also download them in mp3 file format,...
and you can also type ss rather typing save both of them work almost same..

Hope u liked my blog please comment and follow if u like it.


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